Camelina: A Promising Low-Input Oilseed – D.H. Putnam, J.T. Budin, L.A. Field, and W.M. Breene – In: New Crops (eds.: J. Janick and J.E. Simon), Wiley, New York – 1993

by Shopify API on June 13, 2014

Summary: Camelina holds unique agronomic traits which could substantially reduce and possibly eliminate requirements for tillage and annual weed control. Its compatibility with reduced tillage systems, cover crops, its low seeding rate and competitiveness with weeds could enable Camelina not only to have the lowest input cost of any oilseed, but also be compatible with the goals of reducing energy and pesticide use and protecting soils from erosion. Camelina is a potential alternative oilseed for stubble systems, winter surface seeding, double cropping, or for marginal lands. At a seeding rate of 6 to 14 kg/ha, Camelina could be inexpensively applied by air or machine-broadcast in early winter or spring on stubble ground without special equipment. The Cruciferae is highly manipulatable through plant breeding or biotechnology and so the promise of improvement is also high.
