M.Sc. Thesis: Camelina variety performance for yield, yield components and oil characteristics – F. G. Jewett – Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University – Spring 2013

by Shopify API on June 13, 2014

Summary: A two year variety trial in 2011 and 2012 to evaluate the performance of 15 Camelina varieties in two distinct geographical regions in the Western USA. Six of the varieties were in the highest yielding group in all environments, including irrigated environments. Five of the varieties have been identified as containing favorable alleles for yield and drought tolerance. Camelina did not perform as well at low latitudes even under irrigated conditions due to above-average, high temperatures. Study suggests that the quickest and easiest way to increase yield is to increase the planting density of the field. Link: http://digitool.library.colostate.edu///exlibris/dtl/d3_1/apache_media/L2V4bGlicmlzL2R0bC9kM18xL2FwYWNoZV9tZWRpYS8yMDgxNjY=.pdf