Camelina Sativa Oil, but not Fatty Fish or Lean Fish Improved Serum Lipid Profile in Subjects with Impaired Glucose Metabolism – a Randomized Controlled Trial – US Schwab, MA Lininen, VD deMello, SM MAnninen, S Kurl, KJ Pulkki, DE Laaksonen, AT Erkkila...

by Shopify API on January 09, 2018

Summary: The aim of the study was to examine whether lean fish, fatty fish and camelina sativa oil (CSO) differ in their metabolic effects in subjects with impaired glucose metabolism. Altogether 79 volunteers with impaired fasting glucose, BMI 25–36 kg/m2, age 43–72 years, participated in a 12-week randomized controlled trial with four parallel groups. The study concluded that a diet enriched in camelina oil improves serum lipid profile as compared with a diet enriched in FF or LF in subjects with impaired fasting glucose, with no differences in glucose metabolism or concentrations of inflammatory markers.
