Michelle Finnigan and Dozer Testimonial

by Christine Walsh on May 11, 2021

Michelle Finnigan & Dozer: A Smart Earth Success Story

Published on: 05/13/2021

"Our mixed large breed dog, Dozer, will be 11 years old in June. He has been with us since he was 6 weeks old, and has been a very healthy dog for most of his life, short of the last couple of years. When he was 9, he was diagnosed with seasonal allergies. His coat turned quite rough, he shed his coat most of the year, except for maybe December/January, and he was VERY ITCHY. He also developed cysts on 2/4 of his legs, along with a couple of lipomas."
"He was prescribed some Omega pills, as well as some high dose steroids by our vet. While these seemed to work, we knew we didn't want Dozer on meds long term as we know the harmful effects they can have on organs. Smart Earth Camelina Oil frequently popped up in my Facebook ads, so I looked into it further and decided that trying it wouldn't hurt."

"We are now into our second bottle and I can honestly say that Dozer looks like a new dog! While he still shows his age through grey hairs on his face, his body is showing otherwise. His coat is SO soft now, with very little shedding, even for spring time! Previously, he shed his hair in chunks, and you could even see the flakes of dry skin attached to those chunks! Now there are little to no flakes, and he's not itchy at all. He's even leaving the cysts alone on his legs, where as before, they would get itchy at times and he would open them up. He's also never shown much for achiness or arthritis previously, but he's actually more playful with our younger dog now and frolics around like a puppy some days!"

"It has been an amazing and positive transformation and I'm so happy we found a solution for Dozer that makes him more comfortable and doesn't involve medication. I am including some Camelina Oil for my neighbor on my next order as well as she too wants to try it with her dog! Love this product and will continue not only using it, but promoting it as well!"


Michelle Finnigan & Dozer

Olds, Alberta

Camelina Oil for Equine

✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.

Camelina Oil for Equine


✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.

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