What is Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs and Its Effects?

What is Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs and Its Effects?

Don’t overlook the signs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in your dog! Part of managing CKD effectively is detecting it early. Make sure your prepared by reading our in-depth guide about kidney disease in dogs, filled with valuable information and strategies to help your dog live a longer, healthier life.
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on July 11, 2024
Tick Prevention for Horses

Tick Prevention for Horses

Depending on where you live, ticks can be a dangerous consideration for both humans and horses. Here are some precautions to take before we enter the summer months in order to keep you and your horses prepared, healthy and safe.
by Jessica Konopinski on June 26, 2024
Caring for Your Dog's Skin and Coat: 5 Helpful Tips

Caring for Your Dog's Skin and Coat: 5 Helpful Tips

Whether you're a new dog owner or a seasoned pet parent, understanding how to maintain your furry friend's skin and coat can make a huge difference in their health and happiness. From the right nutrition to grooming techniques, we'll dive into essential tips that will help you keep your dog looking and feeling their best.
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on June 05, 2024
Why Are Miniature Horses Prone to Cushings?

Why Are Miniature Horses Prone to Cushings?

If you own a miniature horse or know someone who does, you’ve probably heard the hesitation of letting the little creatures out to graze on ample amounts of lush, delicious grass. Why is that? Just like some breeds of typical sized horses, miniature horses and ponies have their own set of predispositions — one being Cushing’s Disease.
by Jessica Konopinski on May 23, 2024
How Does Dog Food Impact Joint Health?

How Does Dog Food Impact Joint Health?

Let’s talk about an important issue: Your dog’s joint health. Instead of waiting for your dog to show signs of uncomfort, take the proactive approach by understanding how dog foods impact their joint health.
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on May 13, 2024
Footing 101: Things You Need to Know Before Riding on Sand

Footing 101: Things You Need to Know Before Riding on Sand

Sand serves as a great riding surface as long as it is appropriately maintained. Here are a few things to consider before riding your horse on just any sand surface.
by Jessica Konopinski on May 02, 2024