Camelina Oil from a Holistic Veterinarians Perspective: The Proof is in the Patients!

Tuesday, March 29th 2022
by Dr. Kim Knock | BSC, DVM

Tuesday, March 29th 2022
by Dr. Kim Knock | BSC, DVM

I'm a holistic minded integrative veterinarian who has been practicing animal healing as long as I can remember and as a veterinarian since graduating from Colorado State University in 2002. I have always adopted special needs animals over the years...those that have nowhere else to go.


I'm not against supplementation for my patients, but I am very careful on what we onboard as many of these products do not perform as expected. Some can even derail the healing path by causing additional symptoms to appear (ie - GI issues for example). Thus, I am very careful about what I prescribe. One of my trusted additions for healing and long-term health is camelina oil. I have been using this oil to support my patients, personal animal family members and myself for over 15 years. Currently, in my own household alone I have one fine cat (Clawdine), one silly dog (Silas) and one happy horse (Comanche) who would literally not be here with us today if it weren’t for camelina oil. I use it with nearly virtually every patient and as a key ingredient in my own brand of pet supplements and treats.


Kristine Williams
Smart Earth Customer

After reading reviews I decided to give Camelina Oil a try for my 8 year old Alaskan Malamute. She has had some medical issues including knee surgery, eye and ear infections, which she has never had. Her coat had become brittle and coarse. Since this is an all natural supplement I figured it certainly couldn't hurt. Well after 6 weeks on the Camelina Oil my girl's coat is sooo soft. She is also moving much more comfortable and no infections and a happy disposition. I couldn't be happier for my snuggle pup. Definitely recommend Smart Earth Camelina Oil.


Kristine Williams
Smart Earth Customer

After reading reviews I decided to give Camelina Oil a try for my 8 year old Alaskan Malamute. She has had some medical issues including knee surgery, eye and ear infections, which she has never had. Her coat had become brittle and coarse. Since this is an all natural supplement I figured it certainly couldn't hurt. Well after 6 weeks on the Camelina Oil my girl's coat is sooo soft. She is also moving much more comfortable and no infections and a happy disposition. I couldn't be happier for my snuggle pup. Definitely recommend Smart Earth Camelina Oil.

Here is how I came to understand the superpowers of this Natural oil. 15 years ago, I met a new patient. She was a sweet older middle aged little cocker spaniel who was extremely stiff and sore and dealing with chronic itching/skin issues as well. I always examine the animals on their level, so I got down on the floor with Sally and waited for her human to join us. Unfortunately, it became clear that Sally’s human was unable to join us due to joint and back pain. I proceeded to work hands on with Sally using chiropractic, myofascial release/tui na and acupuncture and sent them home with a bottle of camelina oil for Sally to use until their next visit about 6 weeks later. Upon their return I was delighted to see Sally arrive with a markedly healthier coat moving much more freely!


I was further surprised and delighted when Sally’s human did not hesitate to join us on the floor. When I asked what had changed, she told me that after seeing Sally’s almost immediate positive response to the camelina oil she began taking it herself and voila! She too was feeling better overall with increased mobility and less pain and stiffness. She was greatly enjoying her newly renewed ability to get down to the floor and back up again. Whenever I witness such a profound response to anything, I take notice. camelina oil had caught my attention and has had it ever since.

You see, as a medical professional I do what I know will provide my patients the best path to recovery and better overall long-term health. This involves many things, but the use of camelina oil is consistent in my practice. Simply put...THE PROOF IS IN THE PATIENTS!! And there have been oh so many with a wide array of issues and conditions whose lives have vastly improved thanks to camelina oil. Smart Earth Camelina produces extraordinary quality oil that I feel good about recommending.


I plan to share stories of more patients and more information with you about the benefits of camelina oil in future posts. Please stand by for more to come!

Dr. Kim Knock BSc, DVM is an Integrative Holistic Veterinarian who has been a practicing veterinarian since graduating from Colorado State University in 2002. As a lifelong learner, she has continued to expand her knowledge in ways to help her patients. Dr. Kim also has a therapeutic line of camelina based supplements that she created specifically for animals. You won’t find her doing much if it doesn’t involve an animal!

About the Author

Dr. Kim Knock BSc, DVM is an Integrative Holistic Veterinarian who lives in Montana with her family which includes 4 cats, 3 dogs and 2 horses. Her pack also usually includes rescue residents of all shapes and sizes that are being rehabilitated back to physical and emotional health. Before becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Kim studied Wildlife Biology and worked as a Wildlife Biologist. She has been a practicing veterinarian since graduating from Colorado State University in 2002. As a lifelong learner, she has continued to expand her knowledge in ways to help her patients. This includes animal acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy and tui na, chiropractic for small and large animals, myofascial release, aura soma and nutrition! In addition to her busy veterinary practice, Dr. Kim also has a therapeutic line of camelina based supplements that she created specifically for animals. You won’t find her doing much if it doesn’t involve an animal!


You can learn more about her practice, ‘Clear Space Therapeutics’ at and her supplement line - FLORAFORFAUNA at and floraforfaunapets on Instagram. (Please do not contact for consultations as her practice is full.)

Endorsed by Dog Owners, Breeders, & Professionals

Sherie Suter: Professional Trainer

Adrienne: Verified Customer

Trish Newby - Smart Earth Customer

"Our three year old Great Pyrenees cross dog has always been 115 pounds of bad, rough coat, her shedding rate was unbelievable - I’ve never seen anything like it-year round! She also had a very growly, snarly attitude. She has been a handful (super dominant female) and an argument over most everything."


"We have tried a few different supplements to try and help her coat, nothing really worked well. Having two senior horses (22 and 20 years old) we had put on Camelina Oil due to one having arthritis and their age; we decided to put the dog (and cat) on it too. Hoping it would finally be able to help with the dog’s coat AND mood adjustment would be super too!"


"We cannot believe the difference in our dog’s coat! It is creamy soft, easy to manage and her shedding has been cut down to 1/8th of what it was!   The super bonus is the complete change in her disposition! She is now a dog one wants to be around! She listens much better to commands; does not growl, bare her teeth and argue about everything anymore and actually asks for snuggles and pets now! An almost completely changed disposition, it’s a miracle! She will not ever be off of Camelina Oil ever!

We are so happy we tried it!"

Michelle Finnigan - Smart Earth Customer

"Our mixed large breed dog, Dozer, will be 11 years old in June. He has been with us since he was 6 weeks old, and has been a very healthy dog for most of his life, short of the last couple of years. When he was 9, he was diagnosed with seasonal allergies. His coat turned quite rough, he shed his coat most of the year, except for maybe December/January, and he was VERY ITCHY. He also developed cysts on 2/4 of his legs, along with a couple of lipomas."

"He was prescribed some Omega pills, as well as some high dose steroids by our vet. While these seemed to work, we knew we didn't want Dozer on meds long term as we know the harmful effects they can have on organs. Smart Earth Camelina Oil frequently popped up in my Facebook ads, so I looked into it further and decided that trying it wouldn't hurt."


"We are now into our second bottle and I can honestly say that Dozer looks like a new dog! While he still shows his age through grey hairs on his face, his body is showing otherwise. His coat is SO soft now, with very little shedding, even for spring time! Previously, he shed his hair in chunks, and you could even see the flakes of dry skin attached to those chunks! Now there are little to no flakes, and he's not itchy at all. He's even leaving the cysts alone on his legs, where as before, they would get itchy at times and he would open them up. He's also never shown much for achiness or arthritis previously, but he's actually more playful with our younger dog now and frolics around like a puppy some days!"


"It has been an amazing and positive transformation and I'm so happy we found a solution for Dozer that makes him more comfortable and doesn't involve medication. I am including some Camelina Oil for my neighbor on my next order as well as she too wants to try it with her dog! Love this product and will continue not only using it, but promoting it as well!"

Over 800 Five Star Reviews


As a BONUS, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on both our 12L and 20L offerings until February 15th!

But this deal won’t last forever.. Our product is made in small batches to ensure quality, so act now to make sure you get in before supplies run out.

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