Producing Stable Pyrolysis Liquids from the Oil-Seed Presscakes of Mustard Family Plants: Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) and Camelina (Camelina sativa) – A. A. Boateng, C. A. Mullen, and N. M. Goldberg – Energy & Fuels 2010

by Shopify API on August 05, 2014

Summary: Natural oil from non-food oil seeds, such as camelina, jatropha, and pennycress, is increasingly becoming the feedstock of choice for biodiesel production through transesterification to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) and green diesel via catalytic hydrotreating. We carried out fast pyrolysis of the entire value chain of two of the mustard family oil seeds, pennycress and camelina, and found that, at the optimum fast pyrolysis conditions, not only can high-carbon, high-energy liquid fuel intermediates be produced but also these liquids are low-oxygen, stable intermediates that do not oligomerize over time to higher molecular weight or increase in viscosity over time according to the accelerated aging test. It is envisioned that co-location of a fast pyrolysis process with a green-diesel plant that uses these feedstocks could provide additional gallons of renewable biofuels and a reliable source of aromatic hydrocarbon compounds needed for the formulation of renewable jet fuels. Link: