Effects of Feeding Camelina (Seeds or Meal) on Milk Fatty Acid Composition and Butter Spreadability – C. Hurtaud and J. L. Peyraud – Journal of Diary Science – 2007

by Shopify API on June 16, 2014

Summary: The aim of this trial was to examine to what extent feeding the linolenic acid-rich cruciferous plant camelina can affect the fatty acid composition of dairy products and the properties of butter.  The camelina diets tended to decrease dry matter intake but did not have a significant effect on milk production. They generated a slight decrease in milk protein and a strong decrease in milk fat yield and content. The butters of camelina diets were softer. In conclusion, feeding camelina can modify milk fatty acid profile and butter spreadability. Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17954754